Words vs. Concept


People often think in words rather than concepts. For instance, many believe in the "word" of God, yet focusing on words alone oversimplifies complex ideas. When we consciously use words to shape concepts, we shift our attention from mere patterns of language to deeper meaning. Instead of defining a person with a few words, we recognize that human beings are far richer, more intricate, and beautifully complex beyond simple labels.


This is especially evident in the gay community, where pronouns and other identifiers are often used to define who people are. However, individuals are more than words—they are like vast tapestries woven from countless experiences, thoughts, and beliefs. When we focus solely on words, we reduce people to rigid definitions, making our understanding of ourselves and others overly simplistic and stereotyped. This leads to excessive categorization, where people are confined to artificial boxes that limit their true depth and uniqueness.


A similar issue arises with intelligence testing. A single IQ number is often used to brand a person, despite the brain being an incredibly complex system composed of trillions of interconnections. While some individuals may be more intelligent than others in certain ways, reducing intelligence to a single number is an insult to human potential. It diminishes self-worth and can distort both self-perception and our respect for others.


Instead of defining people with a few words, we should view them as characters in a novel or actors on a stage—best understood through rich, detailed narratives rather than a handful of labels. This perspective brings us closer to the truth and allows for a deeper, more meaningful appreciation of life.


Who We Really Are


There are many opinions out there when it comes to philosophy, religion, and psychology.  Opinions abound, but there is not much scientific evidence to back them up. Here we are going to hopefully, use the scientific method, and find some evidence.  Good evidence is the result of many experiments and very careful observations. If someone says water runs down hill, we pour water and see if it does such a thing.  We research the findings of others and see if they agree.  If the observations seem to indicate the same thing, that water runs down hill when water is poured and allowed to flow.  The scientists then postulate the theory of gravity, and that water indeed runs down hill.


If we want to study our inner life, our moment to moment experiences, we can still observe.  The trick is to take a step back from we are wanting to observe.  Instead of speculating on what might be going on, it is far more accurate to simply observe it without getting mixed up with the inner life.  In other words we have to step back


The Buddhist long ago, did this.    For example, the Buddhist chant "Gate, gate, para gate, bodhi swaha" asks us to cross the metaphoric river and observe, simply observe.  By simply listening to the mind rattle on, we can learn about the nature of the mind.   The words of this chant (correctly called a mantra) translates to "Gone, gone, gone all the way over, everyone gone to the other shore. Enlightenment, all hail".


Most people think they are somehow integrated, homogenated into one unified thing.  I think. I do. I feel. I know.  But our consciousness can retreat and become just an observer of all the other things  inside us.  By doing so, we find have the observer, and the rest of what is inside us.  So this is new for most people.   We can observe ourselves and start to make sense of it all.


 The key is to be quiet and listen to your mind at work.  Just stand back and just observe. Just listen.


If done correctly, everyone will hear a voice inside us.  Since we are just listening, it is not us that is talking, but something else  inside us is talking.  There is an observer, and the observed.


 The observer is the scientist and what is observed is our inner life.


The Talkative Mind


We can call the observer the "true self" and the that which talks inside us the mind.


 But many people do not make the this distinction.  The mind at times can be our friend and really help us figure things out.  But the mind can also drive us crazy, playing music (an ear bug), giving us an unending narrative on what is going on, giving us exaggerated predictions of the future, or worries about the past.  It is like a roommate that will not be quiet.




As good scientists we go across the river and observe our mind.  As soon as we engage in conversation with the mind, we become part of the mind and we become part of that which is being observed.  We leave our observation post.   So by being across the river we can independently observe the mind.


This is good science.  We observe and report what we see.



Chakras Within Us


Finding the truth is not simply a matter of gathering facts—it requires understanding the different forces within us that influence perception. The talkative mind, the soul, and the ego each have their own perspectives, and they exert different amounts of power over how we interpret reality. Likewise, the chakras play a role in shaping awareness, and their balance (or imbalance) affects how clearly one can perceive truth. Because people differ in which aspect dominates—whether the analytical mind, emotional attachments, spiritual intuition, or external influences—different strategies are necessary for each individual in the pursuit of truth.


The talkative mind, constantly generating thoughts, opinions, and interpretations, is often the loudest influence. It processes information through logic, memory, and past conditioning, attempting to categorize everything into what is familiar. While the mind can be a useful tool for analyzing and reasoning, it also creates illusions by reinforcing personal biases, assumptions, and fears. People who are highly intellectual often rely on this mind, but without self-awareness, they may confuse mental constructs with truth itself. Strategies for these individuals include meditation, stillness, and mindfulness—practices that allow observation of thoughts without becoming entangled in them. When the mind is quiet, true insight has space to emerge.


The ego is another powerful force, seeking identity, validation, and control. It is concerned with how one is perceived, attaching itself to beliefs as a way to strengthen its own sense of importance. The ego does not care whether something is true—it only cares whether it supports the identity it has built. This is why people often resist changing their beliefs, even when confronted with clear evidence. Those who are ego-driven may struggle with truth-seeking because they fear losing what they believe defines them. For such individuals, the best strategy is humility—recognizing that truth does not depend on personal preference and being willing to admit when they are wrong. Practices such as self-inquiry, heart-centered awareness, and letting go of attachment to being "right" help weaken the ego's grip.


The soul, in contrast, is the silent observer—the aspect of pure awareness that sees beyond the illusions of the mind and ego. It does not argue, defend, or rationalize; it simply witnesses. Truth, when perceived from the level of the soul, is not an intellectual conclusion but a direct experience that feels undeniable. However, because the soul does not force itself into the conversation like the mind and ego, it requires stillness to be heard. Those who are naturally introspective and attuned to intuition may find truth more easily by deepening their connection to this inner awareness. Meditation, breathwork, and aligning with higher consciousness through the crown chakra help amplify the soul’s guidance.


The chakras each contribute to different aspects of perception and power. The root chakra (Muladhara) ensures stability and practicality, preventing one from becoming lost in abstract theories. The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) influences sexual emotions, which can either cloud truth when unchecked or enhance perception when balanced.


 The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) governs intellect and personal willpower, which can either strengthen logical analysis or fuel the ego’s desire to be right. The heart chakra (Anahata) brings compassion, allowing truth to be sought without personal agenda. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) governs clear expression and discernment, helping to articulate truth effectively. The third eye chakra (Ajna) enhances intuition and deeper insight, while the crown chakra (Sahasrara) connects to universal truth, dissolving the illusions of the lower mind.


Because people vary in which aspect dominates—mind, ego, soul, or chakras—different truth-seeking strategies are most effective depending on the individual. Logical thinkers benefit from integrating intuition and emotional intelligence to prevent rigid analysis. Emotionally driven individuals need to balance their feelings with logic to avoid mistaking emotions for truth. Those with strong egos must cultivate detachment from personal beliefs. Spiritually inclined individuals should remain grounded to ensure their insights are practical and not merely abstract or wishful thinking.


Ultimately, truth is best found when the talkative mind, ego, and soul are understood and balanced. The mind serves as a tool, the ego is recognized but not obeyed, and the soul provides clarity beyond personal bias. When the chakras are aligned, perception becomes clearer, and truth is no longer something to be "figured out"—it is experienced directly.



Problems with Established Religions


Finding the truth requires discernment—the ability to recognize the wisdom within religious traditions while rejecting the harmful teachings that have been used to manipulate, control, and instill fear. Many religious concepts provide deep insight into morality, personal growth, and spirituality, but others—such as the doctrine of sin, eternal punishment, and unquestioning obedience—are toxic and suppress true understanding. A personal God does not impose fear-based beliefs but instead encourages direct experience, love, and wisdom. Truth is not found in blind faith, nor in rejecting all religious teachings outright, but in evaluating each idea with reason, experience, and inner awareness.


The talkative mind, conditioned by religious upbringing, often struggles to separate helpful teachings from harmful ones. Many religions teach that humans are inherently sinful, broken, or unworthy. This idea plants seeds of shame and self-doubt, making people feel that they must seek external approval—whether from religious authorities or from God Himself. This concept of sin, when used improperly, keeps individuals trapped in guilt rather than encouraging them to grow and learn from their mistakes. Instead of fostering responsibility and self-improvement, it breeds self-hatred and the fear of divine punishment. The best strategy for those influenced by such beliefs is to recognize that mistakes are part of human experience, not evidence of unworthiness. True spirituality is about learning and evolving, not living in fear of condemnation.


The ego also plays a major role in religious structures. Many religious systems instill the belief that their particular doctrine is the only path to truth and that all others are misguided or damned. This fosters arrogance rather than enlightenment. When people believe they are part of the "chosen" or "saved" while others are lost, they are not seeking truth—they are feeding their ego with a sense of superiority. Another toxic teaching is the concept of eternal punishment—the idea that a loving God would cast souls into endless suffering for failing to believe correctly or follow strict rules. This belief is not about divine justice but about fear-based control. It forces people to obey out of terror rather than genuine understanding. The best strategy for those trapped in religious ego is to practice humility and recognize that truth is not exclusive to one group, book, or tradition.


The soul, in contrast, does not need fear-based doctrines to know right from wrong. The soul operates from direct experience, love, and awareness. A personal God does not judge through rigid rules but offers guidance through inner wisdom. Many religious traditions capture glimpses of this divine wisdom, such as the teachings of love, compassion, and inner transformation. However, when religions distort spirituality into a rigid system of rewards and punishments, they separate people from true connection to the divine. The key is to listen to the soul’s awareness rather than blindly following religious dogma. Practices such as meditation, contemplation, and self-inquiry help cultivate this direct connection.


The chakras also influence how one perceives religious teachings. The root chakra (Muladhara) governs security, and when imbalanced, it makes people cling to religious rules out of fear rather than wisdom. The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) controls emotions, which can be manipulated by guilt-based teachings. The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) governs personal power, and when suppressed by religious dogma, individuals lose confidence in their own ability to discern truth. The heart chakra (Anahata) fosters love and compassion, resonating with the purest teachings of any religion, yet it is often overshadowed by fear-based doctrines. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) helps express truth, but many religions silence questioning and dissent. The third eye chakra (Ajna) enhances intuition, yet religious conditioning often discourages people from trusting their own insights. The crown chakra (Sahasrara) connects to God directly—beyond all religious institutions and interpretations.


Because people differ in how they have been affected by religion, different truth-seeking strategies are needed. Those deeply rooted in traditional beliefs must develop the courage to question what they have been taught while keeping the wisdom that resonates with love and truth. Emotionally driven individuals need to recognize how fear and guilt have been used as control mechanisms. Those with strong egos must let go of the idea that one religion holds the exclusive truth. Spiritually inclined individuals must ensure they are not merely replacing one form of blind faith with another, but rather developing an authentic connection with God.


The truth is that religion, when properly understood, can offer valuable guidance, but when misused, it becomes a prison of fear and manipulation. A personal God does not demand blind obedience, instill guilt, or threaten punishment—such ideas are human distortions, not divine truth. The mind must be open, the ego must surrender its attachments, and the soul must lead the way. Religious teachings should be engaged with critically—keeping what uplifts and rejecting what poisons. Truth is not about adhering to rigid beliefs but about experiencing divine reality firsthand. When one’s inner awareness is strong, truth is no longer dictated by an institution—it is a living experience of God’s presence, beyond fear, beyond guilt, and beyond dogma.


The Limits of Observation of Our Inner Life


Man and Woman Consulting


To explore our inner life, we must experiment—testing different approaches to discover what truly enhances our well-being. These personal experiments yield valuable insights, but life constantly throws in unpredictable variables that complicate the process. One night, you might stay up late yet wake up feeling energized, seemingly contradicting the common belief that sufficient sleep is essential. But context matters. Perhaps the previous evening was filled with excitement and deep conversations, fueling your energy. Months later, despite a full night’s sleep, you might feel utterly drained—this time, weighed down by emotional stress from a breakup. These experiences reveal a crucial truth: energy isn't just about physical factors like rest; it's deeply intertwined with emotions and life circumstances. Our self-discovery must remain flexible, adapting as we gain deeper insight into what truly affects us.


Understanding ourselves is further complicated by biases and external influences. Suppose you take a supplement and feel a significant boost, only to later learn it was a placebo. Suddenly, the effects vanish. What changed? Your belief. Confirmation bias plays a powerful role in shaping our experiences. At first, you expected the supplement to work, and that expectation became reality. But once the illusion was shattered, so was the benefit. This highlights a critical challenge in self-experimentation—our minds can distort results, making it essential to question assumptions and remain open to new perspectives.

In navigating life's uncertainties, expert knowledge and technology can provide valuable guidance. When faced with a complex decision—like choosing the most cost-effective fuel for your car—you might assume the cheapest gas is the best deal. But after using AI to analyze efficiency data, you discover that "top-tier" fuels offer better mileage, making them the smarter long-term choice. This reinforces an important lesson: personal experience is valuable, but integrating expert insights refines our understanding, helping us make better decisions.


Ultimately, self-exploration is an ongoing process that demands curiosity, adaptability, and the courage to challenge our own beliefs. By balancing personal experience with critical thinking and expert guidance, we can navigate life with greater clarity and purpose, continuously refining our understanding of both ourselves and the world around us.


The Five Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz


Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements and its sequel, The Fifth Agreement, are said to be rooted in ancient Toltec wisdom, though historical records of these teachings are scarce. Despite this, the principles they outline offer a powerful framework for personal freedom and self-awareness.


The first agreement, Be Impeccable with Your Word, highlights the immense power of language. Ruiz explains that words shape our reality and influence others, making it essential to speak with truth and integrity. Being “impeccable” means avoiding gossip, self-criticism, and negative speech while using language to foster love, positivity, and understanding.


The second agreement, Don’t Take Anything Personally, teaches that what others say or do is a reflection of their own beliefs, not yours. Internalizing this concept frees us from unnecessary suffering, emotional pain, and the constant need for approval. By not taking things personally, we can remain centered and unaffected by external negativity.


The third agreement, Don’t Make Assumptions, encourages clear communication and curiosity. Assumptions often lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and disappointment. Instead, Ruiz advocates for asking questions, seeking clarity, and fostering open dialogue to build deeper connections and avoid unnecessary confusion.


The fourth agreement, Always Do Your Best, reminds us to give our full effort in every moment while understanding that our “best” fluctuates based on circumstances. By doing our best—without self-judgment or comparison—we eliminate regret and cultivate a deeper engagement with life.


In The Fifth Agreement, Ruiz introduces a final principle: Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen. This agreement urges us to question everything, including our own thoughts and beliefs, while remaining open to understanding others. Balancing skepticism with deep listening helps us break free from societal illusions and move closer to truth.


Together, the Five Agreements provide a simple yet profound guide for living authentically, enhancing self-awareness, and cultivating meaningful relationships. They teach us to speak with integrity, release personal attachment to others’ opinions, seek clarity rather than assumptions, strive to do our best, and balance healthy skepticism with open-mindedness.


Beyond the agreements, Ruiz explores a broader concept: the "domestication" of humans. He describes how society conditions us from childhood, shaping our beliefs, fears, and self-perceptions through cultural expectations. He calls this collective illusion the Dream of the Planet—a framework of inherited ideas that often leads to fear, self-doubt, and unnecessary suffering. Ruiz argues that by breaking old agreements and replacing them with conscious choices, we can free ourselves from the limiting beliefs that keep us trapped in this illusion.


Breaking free from these conditioned beliefs requires awareness—a central theme in Ruiz’s work. He emphasizes that true personal freedom comes from recognizing the thoughts, behaviors, and patterns that no longer serve us. This process requires self-love, forgiveness, and the courage to challenge deeply ingrained conditioning. Forgiveness, in particular, is presented as a transformative tool, helping us release resentment, guilt, and shame to lighten our emotional burdens.


At its core, The Five Agreements are not just rules for better living but a path to a deeper spiritual connection—one that transcends the mind and ego. By embodying these principles, we can cultivate inner peace, joy, and unconditional love, breaking free from the illusions that limit us and stepping into a life of true freedom.


A Journey Through Major Scientific Breakthroughs


It was a clear, crisp night in the late 16th century, and Galileo Galilei sat hunched over a peculiar contraption in the garden of his home in Padua, Italy. This contraption was his telescope—a simple device, yet powerful enough to transform humanity's understanding of the universe. Galileo had crafted it himself, improving upon Dutch designs, and tonight, he turned it toward the heavens.

Through the lens, Galileo saw what no human had seen before. The moon, which from Earth appeared as a smooth, perfect orb, was pockmarked with craters and ridges. Jupiter was not alone but accompanied by tiny "stars" that orbited it—its moons. These revelations were beautiful, awe-inspiring, and dangerous. They flew in the face of the Church’s teachings, which adhered to the Ptolemaic model of the universe, where Earth was the immovable center of creation.


Galileo was no stranger to controversy. He had already begun championing the ideas of Copernicus, who proposed that the Sun—not Earth—was the center of the solar system. But Galileo’s telescope provided the evidence that solidified this heretical claim. The moons of Jupiter clearly orbited another celestial body, challenging the very idea that everything revolved around Earth.


Yet, the Church did not take kindly to Galileo’s discoveries. For centuries, it had intertwined its teachings with the Aristotelian view of a perfect, unchanging cosmos centered on Earth. To challenge this was to challenge not only science but theology itself. Galileo published his findings in "Sidereus Nuncius" (The Starry Messenger) in 1610, and the reaction was swift and divided. Many hailed him as a visionary, but the Church grew increasingly hostile. In 1633, Galileo was summoned before the Roman Inquisition and forced to recant his support for heliocentrism. Legend has it that as he rose from his knees, he muttered, "E pur si muove" ("And yet it moves"), a quiet defiance against the forces that sought to suppress the truth.


Galileo’s story is one of courage and curiosity, but it is only the beginning of humanity’s relentless pursuit of knowledge. Across centuries, other great minds would face similar struggles as they uncovered the secrets of the universe.

The Dawn of Evolution

Fast forward to the 19th century, and another revolutionary idea was brewing—this time on the lush, windswept Galápagos Islands. Charles Darwin, aboard the HMS Beagle, observed finches with beaks of varying shapes, each suited to its environment. These observations planted the seeds of his groundbreaking theory of evolution by natural selection.


Darwin’s work, published in 1859 as "On the Origin of Species," was as revolutionary as Galileo’s discoveries. It challenged the idea that species were immutable creations of God, suggesting instead that life evolved over time through natural processes. Predictably, the theory sparked fierce debates, particularly among religious authorities. Yet, over time, Darwin’s ideas reshaped biology, providing a unifying explanation for the diversity of life.

The Quantum Leap

In the early 20th century, the universe’s secrets were cracked open once more, this time at an atomic scale. Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper on the photoelectric effect introduced the world to quantum theory, a realm where particles behaved in bizarre and unpredictable ways. Light, Einstein argued, wasn’t just a wave; it also behaved like a particle, a revelation that won him the Nobel Prize in 1921. But Einstein’s work was only the beginning.


Scientists like Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, and Werner Heisenberg dove deeper into the quantum world, uncovering phenomena like superposition and entanglement. These ideas defied intuition and shattered classical notions of reality. In the quantum world, particles could exist in multiple states at once, and their behavior could be influenced by observation itself.


The implications were profound. Quantum mechanics would go on to revolutionize technology, leading to inventions like lasers, transistors, and quantum computers. Yet, like Galileo and Darwin before them, the pioneers of quantum physics faced skepticism and resistance. Their discoveries demanded a complete rethinking of how the universe operates.


The Code of Life

The 20th century also witnessed another seismic shift: the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick, building on the work of Rosalind Franklin, revealed the double helix—the elegant structure that carries genetic information. This breakthrough unlocked the code of life, allowing humanity to understand how traits are inherited and how mutations drive evolution.

The implications of this discovery are still unfolding.


 Today, scientists can edit genes with precision using tools like CRISPR, opening the door to curing genetic diseases and even rewriting the genetic code. Yet, as with previous breakthroughs, these advancements come with ethical questions. How far should we go in altering the fabric of life itself?

The Echoes of Discovery

From Galileo’s telescope to the quantum world and the blueprint of life, each major scientific breakthrough has expanded our understanding of reality while challenging deeply held beliefs. These discoveries often began with a single question: "What if?" That question drove Galileo to peer into the night sky, Darwin to study the beaks of finches, and physicists to probe the behavior of particles.


Each breakthrough faced resistance, whether from religious authorities, cultural norms, or even other scientists. Yet, time and evidence have shown that curiosity and the pursuit of truth are unstoppable forces. Humanity’s greatest triumphs have come not from clinging to what we think we know but from daring to imagine what we might discover.


And so, the legacy of Galileo lives on. His defiance in the face of the Inquisition is echoed in every scientist who dares to ask the questions others are afraid to ask. The universe is vast, complex, and beautiful, and our understanding of it is still just beginning. Perhaps the greatest lesson of all is that science is not just a collection of facts; it is a journey—a dance between the known and the unknown, a quest to illuminate the darkness with the light of discovery.