At some point along the journey of life, we come to a fork in the road. We can continue to live from the conditioning and beliefs handed to us since childhood, or we can begin to ask a deeper question: What is actually true? Not what someone told us, not what the mind insists, but what we discover through our own direct experience. That’s where true growth begins.
The world offers many systems—religions, psychologies, self-help philosophies. These are all part of the human attempt to find meaning. They offer ideas, models, and practices, and they are widely available. But what if we could go beyond all that? What if we could explore not from the mind, but from the quiet awareness behind the mind?
That’s the intention here. This website is not about collecting more beliefs. It’s about discovering a deeper truth—one that satisfies both the quiet yearning of the heart and the clarity of scientific observation. And the way to begin is simple: we learn to step back.
Through meditation and inner inquiry, we create space between ourselves and our thoughts, our emotions, and our habitual patterns. In that space, something remarkable happens: we become the observer. We are no longer caught in the whirlwind of the mind—we are the awareness watching it. And awareness is not biased. It just sees. In this seeing, a deep clarity arises.
The more we step back, the more we let go of the noisy mind and the personal ego with all its demands and judgments. We begin to feel an inner freedom. Sometimes, we even touch the joy that has always been there—beneath the turbulence, behind the noise.
Imagine watching a movie. You’re drawn into the story, you feel every emotion, but somewhere deep down, you know it’s just a movie. You’re sitting in a theater. You are the one who watches. In the same way, your life can be seen. And when you become the one who watches, fear and pain don’t have to pull you under. You experience life fully, but you’re free.
So where do you go when you step back? You go to the seat of your consciousness—the center of your being. You leave behind the voice in your head, and instead rest in the awareness that hears it. And in that stillness, you find peace. You begin to make choices from clarity, not from compulsion.
Inside each of us is a wellspring of energy. When we’re open, when we’re filled with love or inspiration, that energy flows freely. But when we’re shut down—when sadness or fear take hold—it feels like the energy disappears.
To understand this, it can help to explore the chakras, the centers of energy within. The lower chakras carry the energy of survival—fear, sexuality, power. The higher chakras open us to love, insight, intuition, and spiritual connection. All seven matter. But when energy gets blocked—especially through unresolved emotional trauma—it keeps playing out in our lives long after the original experience is gone.
The moment you see this energy and stop resisting it, you give it the space to release. That’s all it’s ever needed. Left stuck, it festers and distorts our perception of life. But released, it becomes part of your growth.
Even the beautiful energies of love and inspiration can become blocks when we cling to them. Holding on to the past or fearing the future keeps us from living in the only place life ever is—now.
And so, I’m not asking for your belief. I’m inviting you to explore. This isn’t about dogma or ideology. This is about direct experience. Simply observe your thoughts, your emotions, your actions. Try something, and watch what happens. Be the scientist of your own inner world.
A beautiful place to start is with love. Just love yourself. You’re going to be with you for the rest of your life. There will be times when others may not be there to love you, but you can be. Give yourself the space, the kindness, the freedom to just be. And maybe even… give yourself a hug. Do something joyful, just for you.
That’s how the journey begins. You step back, you watch, and slowly but surely… you wake up.
Website Organization
The menu at the top of the page allows you to select the following pages:
Here, you can explore Deepermind and discover ways to optimize your life. The Deepermind story takes you on a fascinating journey toward personal growth and understanding. You can also visit to enjoy a poem about love and reflect on how God sees us. The site offers discussions on purity, insights into the nature of love, and the Sufi perspective on the heart.
A thought-provoking story contrasts the material and spiritual approaches to life. The homepage also provides links to YouTube chanting videos, Numberphile, Sadhguru, Firefox add-ons, and a selection of music. Additionally, you can take control of a shortwave radio in Denmark and operate it as if it were your own.
This section reflects on the very page you are reading. I share a little about myself and the church I attend. As an ex-Catholic, I once believed that only certain things were holy, but now I see everything as holy—an idea beautifully captured in Peter Mayer's song Everything is Holy Now. Words can be tricky, as they tell stories that may have nothing to do with reality. It is essential to understand the difference between a word and the meaning it implies. Often, words are just narratives with no real substance. This idea is emphasized in General Semantics, where words are seen as mere pointers to meaning, much like maps that represent but are not the actual territory.
You can either believe in what others say or seek to understand things for yourself. Religious dogma is just a collection of words unless supported by real evidence. Science, on the other hand, relies on careful observation and patterns found through experimentation. Religion is based on faith, and many religious people carry guilt from the idea of sin. Yet, sin is defined by human-made rules. While individuals can make mistakes, so can religious institutions. For instance, it is deeply problematic to believe in a God who punishes people eternally or brings suffering upon the innocent. Rather than accepting blind faith, we should seek faith that is verified through experience. Practices like meditation and mindfulness offer real insights into life. Instead of relying on unproven beliefs, we pursue truth and explore methods to improve our lives. Don Miguel Ruiz's Five Agreements provide a framework for ethical living and truth-seeking. Science has revealed many truths, and several examples are explored.
Inward Exploration
By observing our inner life through meditation, we quickly realize there is a voice in our head that never stops talking. However, we are not this voice—we are the observer, the soul, the true self that is aware of awareness itself. The soul can question and evaluate the thoughts generated by the mind. Through observation, we also recognize the presence of inner energies, which are not the physical energy derived from food but energies shaped by love, emotions, external events, and the ego. These energies are mapped by the chakra system and can become blocked due to life’s traumas.
In general, energy moves through seven chakras, where it can flow freely, be stored, or become blocked. The lower chakras, particularly those associated with fear, are linked to the Sympathetic Nervous System, which triggers a chemical response that puts the body in a state of emergency. If this state becomes chronic, it leads to stress-related health issues. Conversely, when we are in a state of peaceful rest, the Parasympathetic Nervous System takes over, releasing chemicals that promote healing and well-being.
Humans experience hundreds of emotions, ranging from happiness and euphoria to fear, hatred, and despair. We often cling to positive emotions while trying to suppress or block negative ones. However, we are not our emotions; we simply experience them. By observing our emotions without identifying with them, we can regulate them more effectively. This regulation allows us to live happier, more balanced, and more productive lives.
This section explores practical ways to improve life through action. While we may understand, in theory, how to create a perfect life, actually achieving it requires more than just knowledge. If our self-worth is based on changing others or the world, we will face constant frustration. While we have control over our own possessions and choices, the world at large—including the news and global events—is beyond our control. Instead of immersing ourselves in external distractions, we can turn inward. Through meditation, mindfulness, and conscious awareness, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. By paying attention to our habits, thoughts, diet, surroundings, and the people in our lives, we can cultivate a more intentional way of living.
The Soul
Our true self is our soul. It defines who we are at the deepest level. If we view the soul as a drop in the ocean of God, then it becomes clear that we are part of something vast and interconnected. This realization simplifies life, allowing us to make wiser decisions, direct our minds consciously, and cultivate emotions rooted in love and peace. As we align with our true nature, we become more resilient, and our ego transforms into a reflection of our soul. This alignment marks the beginning of enlightenment.
Other Authors
For additional insight and inspiration, you may explore the thoughts and teachings of other authors who have written about these topics. Their perspectives can offer deeper understanding and new ways of thinking.
Journey into Universal Connection and Awe
There are countless ways to approach the realms of psychology and spirituality, each offering its own insights and perspectives. However, in the spirit of Michael Singer's teachings, this exploration will not rely on the authority of psychological experts or the profound musings of great philosophers. Nor will it align itself with any one of the world’s major religions, for what we seek to understand transcends such frameworks. What we are discussing is something universal—something inherent within every individual.
This journey is not about adopting predefined doctrines or external systems of belief. Instead, it is about examining what is already present within us and exploring how the many aspects of our inner and outer worlds work together. At our core, we all share fundamental human experiences. We think, feel emotions, eat, experience moods, sleep, dream, and navigate the challenges and beauty of existence. These shared traits connect us and provide a foundation for meaningful exploration.
What I offer here is not a repetition of established knowledge or a regurgitation of others’ insights. Rather, I will present what I have come to understand from a fresh perspective—one that seeks clarity through direct observation and personal experience. By setting aside preconceived notions and tapping into the shared essence of our humanity, we can uncover truths that resonate deeply, not because they are handed down by authority, but because they are already alive within us. Let us embark on this journey together, with open minds and hearts, to discover how these dimensions of our lives interconnect and illuminate one another. People have said what is revealed here goes way beyond everything else they have experienced. It can be not only an important way to get to the truth about things, but also offers intense self-help techniques.
We are living in an era of extraordinary discoveries, a time when genuine wonder and awe have a profound place in our modern world. Take, for example, the awe-inspiring revelations of the Webb telescope. This remarkable instrument has unveiled billions of galaxies, each teeming with countless stars and planets—a cosmic time machine that allows us to peer into the ancient past of the universe itself. Its discoveries invite us to imagine the myriad life forms that might exist across these distant realms, so far removed yet tantalizingly possible.
The vastness and beauty of this cosmic mystery beckon us to pause and reflect on the grandeur of life. In the face of such boundless complexity and magnificence, we are reminded of our place in the universe and invited to anchor ourselves in a sense of profound awe.
A Possible Breakthrough Between Metaphysics and Physics
What could be a major breakthrough between real science and metaphysics. It involves Quantum Physics and is very complicated and mathematical. But I have written an article that explains it in a non-technical way. I start out with a dust cloud. More information: Metaphysics to the Brain: The Microtubule Connection .
The Inner and the Outer Worlds
Human existence is shaped by the interplay of two distinct but interconnected realms: the external world, described and explored by science, and the internal world, which we actively use to navigate, interpret, and respond to our experiences. These two worlds define our reality, yet they are fundamentally different in how we engage with them.
The external world is the physical reality that surrounds us—a vast and intricate universe of atoms, forces, and phenomena governed by natural laws. This is the realm that science seeks to understand through observation, experimentation, and theory. It is the world of galaxies and subatomic particles, of ecosystems and human societies. Yet, despite its immensity and complexity, we do not experience this world directly. Instead, our interaction with it is mediated through the lens of our senses and the interpretive processes of our brain.
The internal world, on the other hand, is deeply personal and uniquely human. It is the world we "see," feel, and live within—a rich tapestry of perceptions, thoughts, emotions, memories, and dreams. It is this internal realm that shapes our understanding of the external world and gives it meaning. The external world exists objectively, but it is only through the internal world that it becomes part of our lived experience.
Perception: The Brain as a Mediator
At the heart of this interaction is the process of perception. Our eyes, ears, and other sensory organs act as conduits, gathering raw data from the external world and transmitting it to the brain for interpretation. For instance, the eye functions much like a camera, capturing light and sending signals to the brain via the optic nerve. Yet, what we "see" is not simply a mirror image of reality. The brain processes this sensory input, filling in gaps, applying context, and rendering the information into a coherent picture on what can be thought of as our "internal monitor."
This process is both remarkable and inherently limited. The brain uses shortcuts—patterns and assumptions—to make sense of the immense amount of sensory data it receives. While these shortcuts allow for rapid and generally accurate interpretation, they can also lead to illusions when the brain misinterprets or oversimplifies the information. Optical illusions, for example, reveal the ways in which the brain can be "tricked" by patterns or contexts that do not align with objective reality.
Despite these occasional missteps, the brain’s ability to construct an internal model of the external world is extraordinary. This internal model keeps us safe, enabling us to avoid danger and make decisions based on an accurate representation of our environment. It is a testament to the brain’s incredible capacity to take raw sensory data and transform it into a world that is not only functional but also deeply meaningful.
The Beauty of the Inner World
The internal world is more than just a reflection of the external; it is a creative, interpretive space where meaning is constructed. It is where we experience beauty, wonder, and emotion. The external world might provide the raw material—a sunset, a melody, the smile of a loved one—but it is within our internal world that these experiences are imbued with significance. It is here that science meets art, and observation meets feeling.
While the internal world strives to faithfully represent external reality, it also allows for subjectivity and individuality. Each person's internal experience is unique, shaped by their memories, beliefs, and imagination. This individuality adds depth and richness to our shared human experience, as no two internal worlds are exactly alike.
The Truth and Beauty of Connection
When the brain successfully aligns its internal model with the external world, it creates a profound sense of grounding and connection. This truthful representation is not only functional—keeping us out of trouble and enabling us to navigate life—but also profoundly beautiful. It allows us to see the world not as a chaotic collection of atoms and forces but as a harmonious system filled with patterns, relationships, and meaning.
Science may describe the external world in precise detail, but it is the internal world that allows us to marvel at its grandeur. A telescope reveals the stars, but it is within our minds that we grasp their beauty and feel the awe of the cosmos. A microscope reveals the intricate patterns of a cell, but it is within us that those patterns inspire wonder.
Striving for Balance Between Worlds
To live fully, we must learn to balance these two worlds. The external world demands our attention and respect, as its laws govern our physical existence. Yet, the internal world requires care and cultivation, as it shapes how we perceive, interpret, and respond to that reality.
By nurturing this balance, we can create an internal world that is not only truthful but also a source of peace, joy, and creativity. When grounded in the truth of the external world, the internal world becomes a sanctuary—a place where understanding and imagination coexist, where beauty is found not only in the world around us but also in the act of seeing it.
In essence, the interplay between the inner and outer worlds is what makes us human. It is in this dynamic relationship that we find the capacity for science and art, for reason and emotion, for understanding and wonder. Together, these two worlds form the foundation of our existence, inviting us to explore, to question, and to marvel at the profound mystery of being.