Current Band Conditions and Solar Weather |
Explanations for
Solar-Terrestrial Data On Left |
SOHO Image of Sun Current Solar Images Solar |
GMT -- Greenwich Mean Time, Subtract 6 for CST,
Subtract 5 for CDT, Subtract 5 for EST, 4 for EDT SFI -- Solar Flux Index Radio Emissions at 2.8 GHz Less than 100: Weak solar activity Poor HF Band Reception 100 to 150: Moderate solar activity Fair to Average HF Band Reception 150 to 200: High solar activity Good HF Band Reception SN -- Sunspot Number Less than 50: Low solar activity 50 to 100: Moderate solar activity Over 100: High solar activity A -- Ap Index - Geomagnetic Activity Over 24 Hours caused by solar storms. Less than 10: Quiet 10 to 30: Active 30 to 50: Geomagnetic Storm More than 50: Severe Geomagnetic Storm K -- Kp Index - Instantaneous (3hr avg) Geomagnetic Activity caused by solar storms 0-1 Very Quiet 2-3 Quiet 4-5 Unsettled 6-7 Active 8-9 Major Storm X-Ray -- Types of X-ray emissions from the Sun indicated by a letter and a number which indicates strength. A Small and weakest, minimal impact B Moderate C Intermediate strength, minor HF disruptions M Stronger with perhaps bright auroras X Powerful and intense. Can cause significant disruptions in radio, satellite, and power grids. 304A -- Total solar radiation in UV range. 80 Poor 150 Good 240 Fabulous Ptn Flx -- Proton Flux in Solar Wind 0.10 Good 2.0 Moderate 20.0 Heavy Elc Flx -- Electron Flux in Solar Wind Less than 1000 little impact More than 1000 heavy impact Aurora -- Aurora Possibility 0 to 10 with <2 low confidence, >2 high confidence Bz (B sub z) Interplanetary magnetic field vector perpendicular to Earth orbit SW -- Solar Wind average speed >500 impacting HF, range 0 to 1000 MUF -- Maximum Usable Frequency in MHz 6m blue, 4m green, 2m EU yellow, 2m NA red, gray = no activity. updated every 30 min MS -- Meteor Scatter, indicated by Min-Max color scale below it. Gray is no activity. Updated every 15 min Signal Noise Level --- logarithmic measurement in 6db increments of then noise generated by solar wind, compared with noise floor. (Source Brass Tacks and AI ChatGPT) |
Since November 17, 2020
Web Master: George Norwood
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