So what is true anyway? To go outside and assume that there is some belief system we have to buy into is just wrong. It is not the only way to go. For example, the Bible contains stories about people eating dung, and also the teaching of Jesus at the same time. Belief systems are mixtures, and we need to pick the best. So we must start over to find what is true and good. We need to clear the decks, and think for ourselves. Yet we must not throw away the baby with the bath water. Truth and goodness is still very much alive. But you must sort things out, or you might happen to believe in things that are not good for you. Like the idea we are born in original sin. Yes we have an animal nature, but babies are sweet and give us great joy. Where did all the dogma of the churches start? Back in the caveman days, man lived in constant fear. Lightning, attacking animals, and sickness appeared out of nowhere. Being afraid, the tribe wanted safety. They wanted leadership that could make them have more food, and help stop the fear. So if someone promised a fruitful hunt, and it came to be, then they were made leader. Trouble was as often as not the leader was wrong. The leader that lasted had a trick. The trick was to blame someone else if things did not work out. To make a good hunt you must do a great dance and the gods we bless us. If you do not dance correctly we will not have a good hunt. So everyone danced. Sometimes they did it right and sometimes not. And sometimes the hunt was good and sometimes it was not. Thus myth and stories about pleasing God started long ago. Anything we do is ok with God. But we have total responsibility for what happens. So we can still do good and bad stuff. There are bumper sticker rules, but total consequences. First and Secondhand Knowledge There are two types of common sense. The first concerns the stuff that we learned before we could talk, that floors are hard, we do not eat glass and walls are hard. This is first hand knowledge. The second hand knowledge, seems like common sense, but it is based on the assumptions that others know more then we do. Blind faith gets us into trouble. It produces religious dogma, astrology, and numerology. We need to test everything. It takes a lot of learning and study, but how else are we going to know for sure. Then based on this idea, we can really create. Map to this Web Site: 1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 15. Church of Religious Science
August 04, 2024 |