Science and Ham Radio

Updated June 7, 2023
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Operate a Modern Short Wave Radio in Europe for Free (Click Here)

Located in Enshede, Netherlands, at the University of Twente, there is a fascinating Software-Defined Radio (SDR) system that offers an extraordinary radio experience. SDR replaces traditional hardware components with software processing, enabling the reception and transmission of a wide range of radio frequencies and modulation schemes. This particular SDR radio receiver is connected to the Internet and is open to the public, controlled entirely through a computer interface without physical control knobs.

With its signal spectrum and waterfall display, this SDR radio receiver allows users to explore a vast world of radio stations. Covering frequencies from 0 to 30 MHz, it offers exceptional sensitivity and enables the reception of very low frequencies as well as two AM broadcast bands. In Europe, the lower AM band spans from 148.5 to 283.5 KHz, while the higher AM band ranges from 526.5 to 1606.5 KHz. It is worth noting that the spacing between stations is 9 KHz, unlike the 10 KHz spacing used in North America.

Operated by the amateur radio club ETGD at the University of Twente, this SDR radio has been on the air since 2008, making it the first WebSDR radio of its kind. Although it experienced a period of downtime, it was reactivated in July 2012, providing enthusiasts with the opportunity to listen to an array of captivating radio stations.

The SDR radio in Enshede, Netherlands, is managed within the University of Twente's Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (EEMCS). The university is renowned for its expertise in engineering, science, and technology, housing various research institutes and groups dedicated to wireless communication and radio technologies. These facilities, including laboratories equipped with software-defined radios, antennas, and related equipment, serve academic purposes, research projects, and collaborations with industry partners.

One of the exciting aspects of this SDR radio system is the ability to listen to captivating radio stations from around the world. For instance, you can tune in to Russia's time signals RWM at 4996, 9996, and 14996 kHz. Additionally, there are other intriguing time signals to explore, including CHN BPM Xian, HWA WWVH, KOR, CHU Canada, and many more.


Ham Radio

Kiwi SDR Map (Hundreds of SDRs on-line)

Whitmore California SDR Online

Video Tutorial SDR On-Line

RTL Sharp SDR Tutorial

Other WebSDR Links: Web Based Radio Links

Ham Radio Secrets

Skywave Linux

Grimsby SDR

Local Sidereal Time Calculator
 Example 96.8976 W

AC6V Radio Reference Guide
QRZ Headlines
QRZ's Practice Amateur Radio Exams

Ham Radio Practice Testing (AA9PW)
Ham Band Allocation Chart (PDF)
Ham Radio Phonetic Alphabet

Echo Link (Ham radio via the Internet)
Morse Code Generator Program
Directional Radio Fox Hunting

Phonetic Numbers and Letters
PSK31Software Download

USA PSK31 Frequencies Region 2:
       1.807 MHz
        3.580 MHz
        7.070 MHz
      14.070 MHz
      18.100 MHz
      21.070 MHz
      24.920 MHz

Region 1 = Africa, Europe, Middle East,
                     Northern Asia
Region 2 = Americas including USA
Region 3 = Australia, Most of Asia, Pacific Islands 


NASA and Network Security

Astronomy and Space Weather

Solar Physics

NASA's Picture of the Day
(A new page is generated daily)

Network Security Tutorial Video

Moon Phases

Solar Ham

Space Weather

Stellarium -Great Planetarium Program

Dallas, Fort Worth Ham Radio

Misc Information

Garland    Meets 4th Monday 7:30
Plano    Meets 3rd Monday 7:30
Richardson    Meets 2nd Monday 7:00

Dallas    Meets 1st Tuesday 7:00
Irving    Meets 4th Thursday 7:00
Fort Worth    Meets 1st Thursday 7:00 in Azal

ARRL List of Local Clubs
2 Meter Repeaters Dallas Frequencies
440 MHz Repeaters Dallas Frequencies

Other Repeaters, Police Frequencies
RACES Frequencies (Cloud Cowboy Ref Manual) 

Citizen Band Frequencies (30 Channels)

Short Wave Beacon Frequencies

Radio Locator -AM FM Radio Stations

Clear Channel AM Radio Stations

WinAmp -Play MP3 Files (Not Verified)

QUAM Quadrature Modulation (QUAM)
The Modulation used in Internet Cable Networks


Time, Chemistry, Biology

Deepermind Weather
NOAA Weather Radio Map for Dallas - Fort Worth

Official US Time Clock
Light Spectrum of the Elements

Chemical Elements
More Chemical Elements
Biology Animation Videos


Since November 17, 2020
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